What's Happening This Month
Classroom News
The Official Community's Choice Awards Winner: Cherry Hill Pre-School. Voted best preschool in RI for the second year in a row!
School News:
School News: the month of February brings "heart fun" with stories, activities and crafts as well as learning about polar bears and penguins. Valentine Parties will be celebrated during our regular class times on Thursday 2/13 & Friday 2/14.
Letter Pockets: P, Q, R
Our shape for the month is HEART
Our color for the month is PINK
NO SCHOOL Monday February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
In School Pick Up Days are Monday 2/24 & Tuesday 2/25
We need to be prepared for weather related school closings. If the weather is questionable on your child's school day please check your Remind App, Facebook, and/or call the school (231-3355) to see if there is any message about school closings. I will post on the Remind app, post on Facebook and record a message on the school phone all by 7:00 AM IF and only if it is necessary to close school for that day.
School News:
School News: the month of February brings "heart fun" with stories, activities and crafts as well as learning about polar bears and penguins. Valentine Parties will be celebrated during our regular class times on Thursday 2/13 & Friday 2/14.
Letter Pockets: P, Q, R
Our shape for the month is HEART
Our color for the month is PINK
NO SCHOOL Monday February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
In School Pick Up Days are Monday 2/24 & Tuesday 2/25
We need to be prepared for weather related school closings. If the weather is questionable on your child's school day please check your Remind App, Facebook, and/or call the school (231-3355) to see if there is any message about school closings. I will post on the Remind app, post on Facebook and record a message on the school phone all by 7:00 AM IF and only if it is necessary to close school for that day.